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Maximize Growth, Drive Innovation, and Minimize Disruption: Enable Unified and Seamless S/4HANA Migration and Upgrades Excellence

Our SAP practitioners can develop specific SAP S/4HANA conversion roadmaps, mitigating risks and evaluating variables unique to your systems, architecture, and technology needs.

Future-Proof Your Enterprise with CES Business Technologies’ SAP S/4HANA Migration and Upgrades Solution

The latest release of SAP S/4HANA empowers enterprises with intelligence and innovation to be productive, agile, and open to integrating future technology in the digital era. SAP S/4HANA migration, a catalyst for strategic advancement, offers enterprises a multitude of benefits like enhanced real-time analytics, streamlined process automation, adaptable business models, and integration with leading-edge technologies like AI, ML, IoT, etc.

CES Business Technologies’ comprehensive S/4 360 Suite is a unified solution that ensures complete coverage, visibility, and control at every stage of the S/4HANA migration journey. This allows businesses to accelerate efficiency and innovation while minimizing business disruption. Our services provide the requisite frameworks and efficiencies for timely, budgeted, high-quality deployment, and maintenance of the solution.

ECC Optimisation

  • Faster and easier S4H migration.
  • Confident guide for the entire process.
  • Handle all business processes with minimum disruption.
ECC Optimisation

ECC Optimisation

Conversion Assessment

  • Complete understanding of project activities in under 48 hours.
  • No need for a System Integrator or specific in-house expertise.
  • Save time and minimize your risk.

Conversion Assessment

S4/HANA System Conversion

  • An in-depth analysis of the technical and functional risks.
  • Automatic code corrections in a short time.
  • Eliminate business disruption and accelerate migration.
S4/HANA System Conversion

S4/HANA System Conversion

S/4HANA Version Upgrades

  • Upgrade your FPS\SPS (Feature Pack Stacks and Support Pack Stacks) safely.
  • See all corrections and tests in advance.
  • HImproved functionality, ongoing business innovation & test optimization.andle all business processes with minimum disruption.

S/4HANA Version Upgrades

Deliver transformative benefits to your business, enabling a strong foundation for innovation and long-term performance with S/4HANA

Simplified Data

S/4HANA introduces a simplified data model, reducing data redundancy and improving data processing efficiency. Eliminating aggregates and indexes leads to faster data retrieval and analytics.

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Real-Time Analytics
and Reporting

Migrating to S/4HANA helps you leverage SAP HANA’s in-memory database, enabling real-time analytics and reporting as well as allowing data-driven decisions based on up-to-the-minute information.

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Improved User

The user interface in S/4HANA is redesigned to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. The SAP Fiori user interface enhances accessibility and makes it easier for users to interact with the system.

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S/4HANA’s in-memory computing capabilities significantly improve system performance. This is particularly beneficial for complex data processing tasks and large-scale transaction volumes.

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Advanced Planning
and Optimization

S/4HANA seamlessly integrates advanced planning and optimization functionalities, enabling organizations to plan and execute their business processes efficiently. This results in improved supply chain management, demand planning, and procurement.

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S/4HANA incorporates emerging technologies like AI, ML, and IoT. These technologies help with automation, predictive analytics, and intelligent decision-making.

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Centralized Finance
and Control

S/4HANA provides a centralized finance module integrating financial processes with other business functions. This helps organizations achieve a unified view of financial data and improve financial control

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Agile and Flexible

S/4HANA supports more agile and flexible business processes. The modular structure allows organizations to adapt quickly to changing business requirements and industry trends.

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Analytics capabilities are embedded directly into S/4HANA, eliminating the need for separate data warehouses. This facilitates real-time reporting and analytics within the ERP system.

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S/4HANA enables organizations to simplify their IT landscape by consolidating and harmonizing their systems. This leads to lower maintenance costs and increases operational efficiency.

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Compliance and

S/4HANA includes enhanced security features and compliance functionalities to help organizations meet industry-specific regulations and protect sensitive data.

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S/4HANA is cloud-ready, allowing organizations to leverage cloud infrastructure for scalability, flexibility, and reduced infrastructure costs.

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Long-Term Support
and Innovation

As the next-gen SAP ERP suite, S/4HANA benefits from ongoing support, updates, and innovations. SAP S/4HANA Migration positions organizations to stay abreast with technology trends and industry best practices.

Service Offerings

A Holistic Approach to Seamless S4/HANA Migration Transformation

Our SAP S/4HANA migration services encompass a range of activities and support to facilitate a seamless transition from their current SAP ERP systems to the next-gen S/4HANA platform. Organizations can choose flexibly a combination of services based on their unique needs and priorities during the S/4HANA migration process.Our SAP S/4HANA migration services encompass a range of activities and support to facilitate a seamless transition from their current SAP ERP systems to the next-gen S/4HANA platform. Organizations can choose flexibly a combination of services based on their unique needs and priorities during the S/4HANA migration process.


Assessment and Readiness Analysis

Conducting an in-depth analysis of the current SAP landscape to determine the readiness for migration. This includes evaluating the existing system, identifying customizations, and assessing the technical infrastructure.

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SAP S/4HANA Roadmap and Strategy

Developing a migration roadmap and strategy tailored to the organization’s goals and requirements. This involves outlining the steps in the migration process, setting timelines, and defining key milestones.

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Business Case Development

Helping organizations build a compelling business case for S/4HANA migration, demonstrating the potential benefits, cost savings, and competitive advantages of the transition.

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System Landscape Transformation

Planning and executing SAP system landscape transformation that involves consolidating systems, upgrading databases, and optimizing infrastructure to align with S/4HANA requirements.

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Data Migration Services

Designing and executing a data migration strategy to move data from the existing SAP system to S/4HANA. This includes data cleansing, mapping, and validation to ensure Data accuracy and consistency.

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Custom Code

Analyzing and migrating custom code, reports, and enhancements to make them compatible with S/4HANA. This involves adapting existing ABAP code and ensuring compatibility with the new data model.

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Technical Migration Services

Executing the technical migration process involves upgrading the SAP system to S/4HANA. This includes system conversion or new implementation, adapting configurations, and ensuring a smooth transition.

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SAP Fiori Implementation

Deploying the SAP Fiori user interface to enhance the user experience. This comprises designing and implementing Fiori apps to improve usability and productivity.

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SAP S4/HANA Training and Change Management

Developing training programs to familiarize end-users and administrators with the new S/4HANA environment. Additionally, providing change management support to ease the transition and address user concerns.

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Testing and Quality Assurance

Conducting comprehensive testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, to assure the reliability and stability of the S/4HANA system post-migration.

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Performance Optimization

Analyzing and optimizing the performance of the S/4HANA system, ensuring it meets the organization’s performance expectations. This includes tuning configurations and addressing performance bottlenecks.

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Post-Migration Support and Monitoring

Providing ongoing support after the migration, including system performance monitoring, addressing post-migration issues, and ensuring a smooth transition to regular operations.

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Continuous Improvement

Offering services for continuous improvement to help organizations leverage new S/4HANA features and stay updated with the latest innovations and updates from SAP

Our SAP accelerators & tools and SAP Migration best practices help you expedite your S/4HANA migration, cutting time and risk compared to traditional methods.