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Manufacturer- Machine Health Monitoring System


A leading beverage manufacturer in the USA




React, Node, Azure, Cube, Databricks, Confluent

Engagement Details

Service Type: Asset continuous health monitoring system.
Model: T&M

Business Need

Build a near real-time health monitoring system for the automated bottling lines that facilitates predictive maintenance.


  • None of the 54 automated plants had monitoring systems provided by the OEM.
  • Limitations of traditional BI tools (PowerBI, Tableau) to render highly granular data.
  • The lack of predictive maintenance capabilities resulted in substantial costs as well as a risk of potential losses from production delays.


  • Headless BI with Databricks pipelines were used to render KPIs.
  • Streaming ETL with kSQL and Cube connectivity was used for near real-time rendering.
  • Using COX was of death prediction, a machine learning pipeline and reinforcement learning algorithm were used to predict machine breakdown about 6 hours earlier.


  • Automated Data Aggregation.
  • Precision & Granularity of KPIs up to a 5-minute level.
  • 10x Faster than PowerBI.
  • Saved up to $1.7 Million.
  • Up to 65k data points rendered in <7 secs.
  • <6 mins latency.