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Enabled Effective Patient Data Transformation and Exchange


Client is a leading healthcare cloud computing company that works exclusively with healthcare organizations across USA.





Engagement Details

Service Type: Application Development
Model: Offshore

Business Needs

  • To develop an interface to communicate between 2 disparate systems and enable patient data transformation and exchange


  • The required interface should be bi-directional, i.e. transform / exchange the patient data from EHR in HL7 CDA format to other systems in XML format and transfer / exchange XML document from other systems to HL7 CDA standard format as required by EHR.

Our Services

  • Performed an extensive analysis of EHR system and the system to be connected for data exchange
  • Prepared sample document template in HL7 CDA and designed and formulated a bi directional CDA document builder module to transform patient visits data and exchange with other systems
  • Documents generated:
    • Pre-counter (When a patient appointment has been checked out)
    • One time manual trigger of longitudinal for every patient (history of encounters)
  • Designed a separate channel to receive information from other healthcare systems typically in XML format and parse it to write to the client’s EHR database


  • Enable healthcare interoperability between disparate systems
  • Enable user to customize the data they include in the care document
  • EHR users can send / receive patient information for continuum of care