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Reduced operational & infrastructure costs with the newer architecture by 50%


A leading AgTech Software solutions provider specializing in Farm & Warehouse management using GIS Mapping & mobility solutions.


AgTech Software Provider


Fund Accounting


C#, Xamarin, AWS (Cloud), Docker, Terraform, ArcGIS, ESRI, Tableau

Engagement Details

Service Type: Product Development Teams Model: Offshore

Business Need

Self managed teams to build & architect the SaaS Platform Migration of Customers from legacy to Cloud Platform.


  • High Data Latency
  • Lean Onshore Development team
  • High operational cost on legacy system


  • Revised architecture in AWS Cloud & implemented a scalable cloud native architecture with a microservices and serverless approach.
  • Improved data visualization & reporting using Tableau with multi device support.
  • Integrated ESRI & ArcGIS for mapping solutions for farm management.
  • Introduced a mobile first approach towards farm and warehouse management solutions.
  • TDD process infused in development teams. Optimized release lifecycle using CI/CD and DevOps for easy deployment


  • Quality of deliverables improved with lesser defects after infusing TDD as a cadence.
  • Reduced operational & infrastructure costs with the newer architecture by 50%.
  • Faster time to market with an optimized release cycle.